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The Association

The Association

The Association of Social Promotion (APS) Piccoli Fratelli dell’Accoglienza is a Christocentric movement at the complete service of the human being, especially of childhood and of those who are in conditions of fragility.

The Association aims:
– to proclaim the Gospel and carry out a life proposal following the spirituality of St. Charles de Foucauld, through Prayer, Communion, and Apostolate;
– to humanize the Faith, by promoting the Charism of Welcoming and universal fraternity;
– to encourage the knowledge of the human being in its human and spiritual aspects, both through an activity of study, research, and documentation, and spiritual formation;
– to recover the relationship between man and the cosmos, nature, and animals.

For the above, the Association will work to:
– promote, develop, and spread the values of Culture in its widest and broadest sense, and in particular that which was born from the encounter with the Catholic faith – with great attention to Ecumenism and interreligious dialogue – of the historical, artistic, and environmental heritage, as well as of lifelong education and recreational animation and social promotion activities, through every expression of creativity in the fields of culture, sports, publishing, theater, dance, and music; 
promote and organize initiatives to protect the environment;
– promote, coordinate, and develop sports and leisure initiatives and activities;
promote and organize activities that allow moral and spiritual growth of the human being, through socio-cultural exchanges, in a spirit of friendship and universal brotherhood;
promote and foster the inclusion of young people, people with disabilities, or with psychological and mental sufferings, marginalized, discriminated against, migrants, unemployed or in precarious living conditions, both in the world of work and in society;
– promote and organize all those tools necessary to establish dialogue and empathy with suffering people, developing and strengthening human relationships so that, in the knowledge and encounter with the other, recovery can take place;
– promote and coordinate charity and welfare initiatives, in Italy and abroad, intervening in situations of emergency and public disaster;
– promote the development of all those countries that need external aid to foster their socio-economic growth, including through stable and continuous interventions;
– encourage the training of the staff, both professional and volunteer, who is dedicated, through a vast network of social services and welfare works, to overcoming imbalances and states of need of the most disadvantaged people, families, and communities, creating educational institutions and schools;
– to promote and establish social and health care services, including home care, to support sick, dependent and elderly people;
– establish and operate centers for the protection of minors, as well as centers for the prevention of juvenile delinquency.